Artist Spotlight: Introducing Minister Patience



Minister Patience is a remarkable individual, a skilled singer-songwriter, and a professional artist specializing in gospel music. Her achievements in the music industry have made her a pacesetter with amazing contributions. Originally from Zimbabwe, residing in Toronto but currently based in Nigeria. Minister Patience’s background attending pastoral ministry at college and university levels, coupled with her passion for God, has enabled her find her role in God’s great commission.

Minister Patience’s journey in ministry started many years ago as a young girl raised in a Christian home. Although both her parents were pastors, she never had a personal relationship with God. The environment around her was full of supernatural activities including miracles and demons manifesting and being cast out. However, as is characteristic to most children born to pastors, Minister Patience remained ignorant about all these. It all dawned upon her years later after things came crumbling down, including her business, marriage. Deciding that enough was enough, Minister Patience made the decision to turn her life around. She hasn’t looked back since!

A tenacious soldier for Jesus, Minister Patience has made it her life’s mission to use her music to bring worship and God’s word to the world. Following in her passion, she takes pleasure singing and praising God. With deep knowledge of scripture, coupled with an analytical and detail-oriented approach, Minister Patience is equipped to piece scriptures and worship together; delivering music that is not only rooted in the word but also melodious and pleasant to the ear.

Magnifying the greatness of God in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, Minister Patience takes pleasure integrating a mix of God’s word and music to create amazing content. Her strong creative, songwriting and singing skills make her a keen advocate for the gospel. Minister Patience is proactively seeking out new ways to enhance her service to God, and to continually glorify His Holy name. Among Minister Patience’s most recent projects include “MAKANAKA”, a collection of four songs released to magnify the name of Jesus. Leveraging the digital age to spread her content, these songs are already available on YouTube.

Outside music, Minister Patience loves spending time with her kids and cooking native dishes. She also finds engaging in self-developing activities like, reading the word, attending Christian conferences and winning souls to Christ most fulfilling. With the belief that people are the root and foundation of our communities; to build strong communities, we must fortify the root! This is Minister Patience’s motivation towards using her music to touch those whose lives and salvation would be renewed by it.

For a closer look into with Minister Patience’s journey listen to the interview below;

Follow Minister Patience on Facebook, twitter, instagram and subscribe to their YouTube channel for new music and ministry updates.

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