EDITORIALSGOSPEL NEWSNEWS!NIGERIASPOTLIGHTUKUSDoes God Forgive Sex Before Marriage? A Deep Dive into Scripture and Self-ReflectionOlaitan Adigun2 months ago82 views82The question, "Does God forgive sex before marriage?" has reverberated through generations, leaving many grappling with guilt, confusion, and even...
EDITORIALSGOSPEL NEWSNEWS!NIGERIAUKUSLife Series: 7 Ways to Move Forward When Someone Won’t Forgive YouOlaitan Adigun3 months ago54 views54Forgiveness is the heart of the Gospel—a gift freely given to us by God through Jesus Christ. When faced with...
EDITORIALSGOSPEL NEWSNEWS!NIGERIAForgiving What You Can’t Forget: A Journey to Liberation and RenewalOlaitan Adigun5 months ago46 views46Have you ever found yourself ensnared in a relentless cycle of painful memories, replaying past hurts as if they were...
GOSPEL NEWSNIGERIASPOTLIGHTUKUSFamily: The Tapestry of Love That Weaves Souls TogetherOlaitan Adigun6 months ago153 views153Proverbs 22:6 (NIV): “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will...
GOSPEL NEWSNEWS!USRedemption and Resilience: The Return of Kirbyjon Caldwell Amidst a Complex LegacyOlaitan Adigun6 months ago198 views198Kirbyjon Caldwell said: "Hey there! I regret not being able to see you at church yesterday. As Pastor Suzette shared,...
GOSPEL NEWSNEWS!NIGERIAUKUSFrom Darkness to Light: The Power of Forgiveness and the Freedom to Let GoOlaitan Adigun6 months ago129 views129Forgiveness is not easy, but it is necessary. It is a divine gift that we are called to give—not because...
TVUSVIDEOSThe Firing Squad Trailer Ignites Tension: A Thrilling Battle for Faith and Survival UnfoldsOlaitan Adigun6 months ago42 views42The Firing Squad Based on the true story of three Christian prisoners who face execution in a third world country...
NEWS!SPOTLIGHTTVUSVIDEOSExhibiting Forgiveness”: A Cinematic Journey of Redemption and GraceOlaitan Adigun7 months agoAugust 30, 2024196 views196Prepare to be captivated by "Exhibiting Forgiveness," a forthcoming movie that delves deep into the human spirit's capacity for redemption,...
GOSPEL NEWSNEWS!USElon Musk’s Surprising Confession: “I’m a Cultural Christian” and a Believer in the Power of ForgivenessOlaitan Adigun8 months ago105 views105In a revealing interview with Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and Tesla, and owner of...
NEWS!A Mother’s Forgiveness: One Killer Forgiven, But Two Officers Beyond RedemptionOlaitan Adigun8 months ago111 views111Mina Smallman, a retired Anglican priest, has made a stunning declaration of forgiveness towards the man who brutally murdered her...