[Music] Jahlift & Effundo – The Revival Anthem



Akintayo Akinyinka, popularly known as Jahlift, in collaboration with his revival mandate team Effundo, has released a powerful new anthem titled “The Revival Anthem.” This song, born out of a passion for spiritual renewal and the reign of Christ, carries a profound message of prayer, declaration, and affirmation.

“The Revival Anthem” is inspired by biblical verses from Habakkuk 1:5 and 2:14, as well as Psalm 22:27 (AMPC), reflecting a divine promise of global spiritual awakening. The lyrics call for all nations to bow down and worship before the Lord, anticipating a time when the earth will be filled with the awareness of God’s glory.

Recorded live in 2022, this anthem encapsulates a sincere longing for revival and righteousness to flow across nations. Its heartfelt lyrics echo a plea for the manifestation of God’s kingdom on earth.

Akintayo Akinyinka (Jahlift) shared, “Revival is true to us, and through this anthem, we envision a world where Jesus is exalted as Lord and Christ. Our prayer is for His kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.”


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