In a groundbreaking ceremony, renowned Nigerian gospel minister Victoria Orenze was ordained as an Apostle by Bishop Wale Oke and Pastor Chris Delvan. The ordination, which took place recently, marked a significant milestone in Victoria’s ministerial journey, as she was called to boldly teach, preach, and sing the word of God to the nations. Notable figures such as gospel artist Nathaniel Bassey and Bishop Wale Oke were in attendance to witness this historic moment.
However, the ordination of Victoria Orenze as an Apostle has sparked intense debate and discussion within the Christian community. Many have questioned the role of women in church leadership, citing biblical interpretations that prohibit women from holding such positions. Critics have taken to social media to express their concerns, with some labeling the ordination as “unbiblical” and “a misadventure.”
Despite the controversy, Victoria Orenze’s ordination as an Apostle is a testament to her dedication and passion for spreading the word of God. As she embarks on this new chapter in her ministerial journey, Victoria remains committed to her calling, inspiring countless individuals around the world with her music and message.