CGMi Solution Choir’s “Jesus My Testimony” Album: A Powerful Declaration of Faith


Church of God Mission International’s (CGMi) Solution Choir has unveiled its debut album, “Jesus My Testimony,” a soul-stirring three-track collection born from a profound teaching series. In July 2021, Archbishop M.E. Idahosa’s message on “Focusing on Christ for Abundant Provision and Testimonies” resonated deeply with Rev. Chris Aghedosa, Head Pastor of CGMi Urora Provincial headquarters. This inspiration led to the creation of the album’s title track, “Jesus My Testimony,” a testament to Jesus’ transformative power and the believers’ surest testimony.

Recorded by Solution Choir, the music team of CGMi Urora Provincial headquarters in Benin City, “Jesus My Testimony” album is a heartfelt declaration of faith. Under Rev. Aghedosa’s guidance, the choir brings alive the vision of making Jesus known worldwide through compelling music. This album is more than a musical project; it’s a kingdom-promoting endeavor. With “Jesus My Testimony,” CGMi Solution Choir invites listeners to join in proclaiming the unwavering testimony of Jesus Christ, inspiring faith and transformation in the hearts of all who listen.

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