Karen Peck & New River: A Call to Be Ready


Karen Peck & New River’s song “Be Ready” is a heartfelt reminder that the return of Christ is not just a distant promise but an imminent reality. The song beckons believers to live each day in readiness, not out of fear, but in faithful expectation of our Savior’s return. It encourages us to examine our hearts, ensuring that our faith is not just a Sunday sentiment but a daily lifestyle marked by spiritual alertness and holy living. In a world filled with distractions and uncertainties, the message of “Be Ready” calls us to refocus, live purposefully, and align our lives with God’s truth, knowing that His promises will soon be fulfilled.

Karen Peck & New River Releases "Be Ready" - TCB

Being ready means more than simply waiting—it means actively engaging in the work of the Kingdom, bearing witness to Christ’s love, and allowing His Spirit to shape our lives in obedience. As the song beautifully echoes, there is a need for urgency in our walk with God, a sense that today is the time to draw near to Him and strengthen our faith. As we heed this call, may we be inspired to keep our lamps burning brightly, ever watchful and prepared, so that when the Lord returns, we will meet Him with joyful hearts, ready to enter into His eternal glory.

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