From Wizards to the White House: David Henrie’s Inspiring Journey from Disney Star to Ronald Reagan


“What I loved about the project is, it’s not about the president or the politician; it’s about the man,” Henrie said. “So, you really go behind what he’s known for externally, and you learn about what made him tick.”

David Henrie, best known for his breakout role on Disney Channel’s Wizards of Waverly Place, is no stranger to transformation. But few could have predicted the dramatic turn his career would take nearly two decades later. From playing a mischievous teenage wizard to stepping into the shoes of one of America’s most iconic presidents, Henrie’s latest role as Ronald Reagan in the new biographical film Reagan has not only captivated audiences but earned more than $10 million at the box office since its August 30th release.

Ex Disney Star David Henrie Joined REAGAN For This Reason | Ex Disney Star David  Henrie Joined REAGAN For This Reason

In an interview with CBN News, Henrie shared how he’s grown both personally and professionally since his early days in the spotlight, reflecting on how his perspective has evolved with maturity and experience. “I was humbled in life as I grew up,” Henrie candidly revealed. “When I was younger … I had a big fan base and everything, and I was like, ‘I don’t have any responsibility towards them. I’m just an actor. I’m doing my thing.’”

But with age came wisdom. Henrie admits that his youthful mindset of detachment from his influence was, in his words, “dumb.” He eventually recognized the immense power and privilege his fame afforded him and realized that this platform could be used for a greater purpose. “Like with that Spider-Man quote — ‘With power comes responsibility,’ right? So, as I got older, I was like, ‘I need to do something with this. This life is a gift.’”

Ex-Disney star to play Ronald Reagan in biopic

Henrie’s reflections strike a chord for anyone who’s ever wondered about the weight of celebrity and influence. His realization that “people care about you and you should try to do something good with it” speaks to the responsibility he now feels to leave a positive mark on the world. And for Henrie, that mission is clear: he wants to inspire others to value family, community, and culture, and to contribute positively to these arenas.

“What am I? I’m a speck of sand on this whole tapestry of life,” he reflected with humility. “Just do what you can with what you’ve been given. … That’s my thing … just try to use my platform to do good, show the beauty of family life, make good content, be a part of projects that can make an impact.”

It’s this commitment to meaningful work that led Henrie to Reagan, a project that digs into the man behind the myth. For Henrie, playing the nation’s 40th president was not about the political figure everyone knows but the personal struggles and character that shaped him. “It’s not about the president or the politician; it’s about the man,” Henrie explained. “So, you really go behind what he’s known for externally, and you learn about what made him tick.”

Italian-American Actor, David Henrie, Cast as Ronald Reagan in First Ever  Biopic | L'Italo-Americano – Italian American bilingual news source

The film offers a broad scope, exploring Reagan’s life from his childhood to his time in Hollywood and, of course, his presidency. Henrie marveled at Reagan’s ability to connect with people, noting that his public persona was deeply shaped by personal hardships. “Watching him in speeches later in life, I understand why he’s called the great communicator. Because I think people see someone who’s suffered, who’s been through something, and who cares.”

Portraying a figure as monumental as Reagan came with its challenges, and Henrie acknowledged the weight of the expectations. “Everyone knows Reagan,” he said, “so it comes with a lot of baggage.” The real challenge, however, was capturing the essence of the young Reagan — a figure less familiar to most Americans. “Young Reagan sounds nothing like old Reagan,” Henrie explained, emphasizing the importance of staying authentic without veering into parody.

Despite the challenges, Henrie described the entire experience as “incredible,” a testament to the care and passion he put into bringing such a revered figure to life.

David Henrie’s journey from Disney Channel star to respected actor portraying one of the most famous U.S. presidents speaks to his growth not just as a performer but as a person. His evolving outlook on fame, responsibility, and purpose reflects a man determined to use his platform for good — and to inspire others to do the same. With Reagan, Henrie has found a project that not only showcases his talent but aligns with his deeper mission of leaving a positive impact on the world.

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