Sight Restored: Christian Charity Celebrates Success of Rwanda Eye Health Project


A three-year project aimed at protecting the vision of people living in rural Rwanda has come to a successful end, with a Christian charity reporting that it has provided treatment to over 35,000 people. CBM UK’s See the Way Rwanda appeal, which was made possible by donations of £845,000 and match-funded by the UK government, has made a significant impact on the lives of thousands of people. The project provided cataract surgery for almost 2,000 people and improved eye health services in four rural districts, increasing the quality of consultations from 17.5% to 73%.

Thousands have sight restored thanks to Christian charity

The charity says that the project has been a “game-changer” for many people who previously had to travel long distances for treatment, often at an unaffordable cost. Patients like Velena and Valerie, who received sight-restoring cataract surgery, have expressed their gratitude for the project. CBM UK has also made services more accessible to people with disabilities, fitting wheelchair ramps and accessible toilets at four district hospitals and training staff in disability inclusion. The charity has thanked its supporters for changing the lives of thousands of people and ensuring that the impact of the project will be felt for many years to come.

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