The Power of Belonging: Kim Samuel’s Urgent Call to Reconnect in a Disconnected World


In her thought-provoking book, “On Belonging”, Kim Samuel delivers a passionate plea to redefine the priorities of the human project. She argues that our relentless pursuit of progress has only exacerbated our deepest predicament: isolation. Through a rich tapestry of narratives, Samuel shows how the erosion of meaningful connections has led to a global crisis of anxiety, depression, violence, and environmental degradation.

10 QUESTIONS | 'There is light even at the bottom of a dark well': Kim  Samuel on loneliness and her book about belonging | Life

Samuel’s book is a testament to the transformative power of belonging, showcasing dozens of inspiring stories of individuals and initiatives dedicated to fostering connection and community. From nonprofit leaders to everyday heroes, these narratives illustrate the boundless potential of human relationships to heal and uplift. While the book’s scope is vast, Samuel’s central argument remains clear: that our salvation lies in cherishing the gift of one another, and that technological fixes alone cannot replace the depth of human connection.

Through her own personal experiences and those of others, Samuel reveals the devastating consequences of isolation and the redemptive power of belonging. Her book is a clarion call to rethink our values and prioritize the relationships that truly matter. As Samuel so eloquently puts it, “Take us away from our natural surroundings, from the fullness of our communal life… and you will be able to turn us into so many fragments of a machine.” “On Belonging” is a powerful reminder that our humanity depends on our connections to each other and the world around us.

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