Update: ERLC President Brent Leatherwood’s Firing Fiasco – A Tale of Unilateral Action and Reversal


In a shocking turn of events, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) announced the termination of its president, Brent Leatherwood, only to retract the statement a day later. The initial announcement, made without an authorized meeting or vote, was attributed to a unilateral decision by Kevin Smith, chair of the ERLC board of trustees. Smith took responsibility for the error, citing a desire to act expeditiously, and has since resigned.

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The controversy unfolded when Smith directed ERLC staff to issue a press release announcing Leatherwood’s removal, citing the bylaws that allow the executive committee to remove officers without a full trustee vote. However, it soon became clear that Smith had acted alone, leaving ERLC staff and trustees bewildered. Leatherwood, who has been president since 2021, was still actively working and sharing ERLC resources on social media just hours before the announcement.


The ERLC board of trustees has since clarified that the retraction was about following proper procedures, not responding to external pressure. With Smith’s resignation and Leatherwood’s reinstatement, the ERLC is moving forward, committed to transparency and accountability. As Leatherwood tweeted, “More to come,” the situation highlights the importance of due process and collaboration in leadership decisions.

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