7 Lies Women Believe About Their Roles in the Church: Breaking Free to Fulfill God’s Calling
In the sacred halls of faith, where hearts are drawn closer to the Creator, a silent struggle persists. Many women of faith find themselves confined by unspoken rules, misunderstood scripture, or deeply ingrained cultural biases that distort their roles within the church. These lies, often perpetuated unintentionally, have left countless women sidelined, unsure of their worth or calling. But as daughters of the Most High, it is time to reflect, challenge, and break free from these untruths to fully embrace the roles God has designed for us.
Here are seven lies women believe about their roles in the church and the biblical truths that shatter them:
Lie #1: “My Role Is Limited to Supporting Men”
Many women have been told that their primary role in the church is to assist male leaders and that stepping beyond this boundary is overstepping God’s will. While men and women are called to complement each other in ministry, the Bible is filled with examples of women leading boldly for God’s glory.
The Truth: Women like Deborah, a judge and prophetess (Judges 4), led Israel during a time of crisis. Priscilla, alongside her husband Aquila, taught and corrected Apollos, one of the most eloquent preachers of the early church (Acts 18:26). God calls both men and women to serve Him boldly, each according to the gifts He has given.
Lie #2: “I Can Only Serve in ‘Safe’ Ministries”
There is a common belief that women should stick to roles like children’s ministry, hospitality, or event planning—areas perceived as “safe.” While these ministries are vital, they are not the only places where women can thrive.
The Truth: Mary Magdalene was the first to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus (John 20:17-18), entrusted with the greatest message in history. God’s calling is not limited by societal expectations; it is boundless, powerful, and unique to each individual.
Lie #3: “Speaking Up Is Unspiritual”
Some women fear that sharing their insights or convictions in church settings may come across as prideful or unspiritual. This lie often silences the voices God intends to use.
The Truth: Esther’s courage to speak up saved her people from annihilation (Esther 4:14). Paul’s letters highlight women who were actively involved in the work of the gospel, like Phoebe, a deacon and trusted courier of his epistle to the Romans (Romans 16:1-2). Speaking up, when led by the Holy Spirit, is an act of obedience, not arrogance.
Lie #4: “I Must Be Perfect to Be Used by God”
Perfectionism is a heavy chain that keeps many women from stepping into their God-given roles. The enemy whispers that flaws disqualify us from ministry, but nothing could be further from the truth.
The Truth: God’s power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Rahab, a former prostitute, played a crucial role in Israel’s conquest of Jericho and became part of Jesus’ lineage (Joshua 2, Matthew 1:5). God uses imperfect vessels to accomplish His perfect will.
Lie #5: “Leadership Is Not for Women”
The belief that leadership within the church is solely reserved for men has discouraged many women from pursuing their God-given leadership gifts.
The Truth: The Bible is replete with women who led with strength and wisdom. Lydia was a successful businesswoman who hosted and supported the early church (Acts 16:14-15). The Great Commission—to go and make disciples of all nations—is for everyone, regardless of gender (Matthew 28:19-20).
Lie #6: “Submission Means Silence”
The concept of submission, often misunderstood and misapplied, has been used to justify the silencing of women in the church.
The Truth: Biblical submission is not about silence or inferiority but about mutual respect and partnership (Ephesians 5:21). Jesus Himself elevated women, engaging with them in ways that broke cultural norms. He invited women like Mary of Bethany to sit at His feet as disciples, a privilege traditionally reserved for men (Luke 10:39).
Lie #7: “My Voice Does Not Matter”
Perhaps the most devastating lie is the belief that a woman’s contributions are insignificant. This lie has robbed the church of countless testimonies, insights, and acts of service that could have glorified God.
The Truth: Every believer is a vital part of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). The Samaritan woman at the well became an evangelist to her entire town after encountering Jesus (John 4:28-30). Your voice matters because God gave it to you to proclaim His truth and love.
Chartering a New Course
It is time for women of faith to reclaim their God-given roles in the church. Reflect on these lies, and ask yourself: What has God uniquely called me to do? How can I step out in faith and obedience to fulfill His purpose for my life?
Remember, the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you (Romans 8:11). You are not just a bystander in God’s kingdom; you are an active participant in His redemptive plan. Let us move forward together, breaking free from the chains of these lies and walking boldly in the truth of who God created us to be.