Panda Rescue: Jackie Chan’s Latest Ultimate Stunt Adventure Movie


In the highly anticipated action-comedy Panda Rescue, international action legend Jackie Chan takes on a thrilling new role as Jackie Wei, an unlikely hero who is invited to the adoption ceremony of a rare baby panda. What begins as a lighthearted celebration soon spirals into chaos when an international crime syndicate launches an audacious plan to kidnap the panda. With his trademark blend of high-octane stunt work and comedic timing, Jackie finds himself in the middle of a wild chase to protect the precious panda from falling into the wrong hands.

Panda Plan (2024)

As the stakes rise, Jackie’s martial arts expertise and daredevil skills are put to the ultimate test in a series of breathtaking action sequences. Alongside a colorful cast of characters, including Wei’s clever sidekick David (played by Wei Xiang) and the mysterious Lone Wolf (Xu Juncong), Jackie must outsmart and outrun the ruthless criminals. With his unrelenting courage and knack for comedy, Panda Rescue is set to be an unforgettable cinematic experience that blends heart-pounding action with Jackie Chan’s unique charm. Fans are in for a rollercoaster ride of humor, heroism, and breathtaking stunts.

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