Wonderfully Made: A Virginia Church’s Bold Ministry for Parents of Gender-Confused Children


“Is your child struggling with their identity? We invite you to join other parents as we walk side-by-side in support, prayer, truth, and grace to help our children flourish in the way God designed them.”

In a time when gender identity issues have taken center stage in many families, Burke Community Church in Virginia has launched a ministry that offers hope, support, and biblical guidance for parents of children struggling with gender confusion. Aptly named “Wonderfully Made,” this new initiative takes inspiration from Psalm 139:13-14 (ESV): “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” It is a powerful reminder of God’s divine craftsmanship in each of His creations.

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The name of the ministry encapsulates its mission—to reassure parents and children alike that they are beautifully and purposefully created by God. The church, located in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., aims to offer a much-needed refuge for parents grappling with a reality that can feel overwhelming and isolating.

As gender ideology grows in influence, many Christian families find themselves suddenly navigating an unfamiliar and painful path. The rapid rise of children identifying as transgender has left many parents feeling bewildered and unsure of where to turn. For these families, “Wonderfully Made” steps in with a heart full of compassion, a message of truth, and a foundation built on God’s Word.

“Is your child struggling with their identity?” the ministry’s description reads. “We invite you to join other parents as we walk side-by-side in support, prayer, truth, and grace to help our children flourish in the way God designed them.” This statement reflects the ministry’s dual focus—offering emotional and spiritual support for parents while standing firm in the belief that God’s design for every person is intentional and perfect.

The need for this type of ministry is clear. Crystal Crum, a counselor and women’s ministry assistant at Burke Community Church, explained the effort to The Christian Post. “We’re trying to open that door up so that they feel like they have a place to go and a place to talk,” Crum said. The goal is to provide a safe, non-judgmental environment where parents can find solace, community, and biblical counsel. “They’re not going to be shamed,” she emphasized. The church is creating a space where parents, burdened by uncertainty and fear, can instead find support, strength, and God’s love.

While “Wonderfully Made” is still in its early stages, its mission is already stirring hearts. Meeting once a month, the ministry will gather parents for a time of fellowship, prayer, and mutual support, creating an opportunity for families to share their experiences and to seek God’s wisdom together. The church recognizes the sensitivity and complexity of the issue, which is why the ministry is designed to offer compassion first, focusing on support rather than formal counseling.

“We’re just trying to see how much interest there is,” Crum explained, noting that the ministry is still being shaped by the needs of the community. “I have experience with it, but I’m not going to be doing counseling. It’s more about parents receiving support from us and getting support from others.” This model of shared care reflects the church’s commitment to walking alongside these families, honoring both their struggles and their faith journeys.

This new ministry launch comes in tandem with an event called “Unmasking Gender Ideology II,” hosted by The Christian Post, which further underscores the urgent need for the church to engage with this topic. Burke Community Church hopes that “Wonderfully Made” can serve as a blueprint for other churches, encouraging them to step up and offer similar ministries. The church is responding to a crucial cultural moment, addressing a deeply emotional issue through the lens of faith and Scripture.

Brandon Showalter, host of The Christian Post’s Generation Indoctrination podcast, has been instrumental in bringing attention to the needs of these families. Through his platform, he has consistently documented stories of parents caught in the crossfire of gender ideology and their children’s spiritual and emotional confusion. His podcast serves as a rallying cry for churches to engage compassionately and biblically with families affected by this cultural shift.

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As Burke Community Church embarks on this mission, they need our prayers. “Wonderfully Made” is more than a ministry—it is a lifeline to parents who feel lost and alone in a world that is rapidly shifting around them. It is a reminder that God’s design is never mistaken, that His love is unfailing, and that, even in the most confusing times, He has a plan for each of His children.

In the words of Psalm 139, each person is “fearfully and wonderfully made.” And through this ministry, Burke Community Church hopes to echo that truth to families who need to hear it the most. Let us keep this church in prayer as they continue to serve as a beacon of light, reflecting God’s grace, truth, and love to families navigating the storm of gender confusion.

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