From Homelessness to Hollywood: The Miraculous Moment God Opened Doors for Steve Harvey


“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Steve Harvey’s life exemplifies this verse—when all seemed lost, he held onto faith, and God made the impossible possible.

If you’ve ever wondered how God can provide a way when all hope seems lost, Steve Harvey’s life-changing moment will leave you in awe. It’s a story of faith, perseverance, and divine timing that will inspire anyone waiting for their breakthrough. In 1991, Steve Harvey found himself living in his car with just $35 to his name, ready to give up on his dream of making it in show business. But just when it seemed like the end of the road, God stepped in—and Steve’s life was never the same.

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Steve Harvey, now a beloved talk show icon and comedian, wasn’t always the household name we know today. In fact, 30 years ago, he was homeless, struggling to get his big break. Yet, deep inside, Steve knew that God had called him to the entertainment world. He had the gift of making people laugh, but he was at his lowest point, feeling abandoned and defeated.

One day, sitting in his car, Steve poured out his frustration in prayer, saying, “Come on, God. I’ve been trying to make this dream come true, and you left me out here like this.” It was in that moment of surrender that Steve heard God speak directly to his heart: “If you get up, I’m going to take you places you ain’t never been.”

That single message from God ignited a fire within Steve, pushing him to trust in divine timing. He immediately went to check his answering machine and discovered that he had been offered a spot on the Apollo Show in New York—a dream come true. But then reality hit hard. How was he supposed to get from Florida to New York with just $35 in his pocket?

Steve was devastated, feeling that his big break was slipping through his fingers. As he prepared to call back and decline the offer, he noticed another message on his answering machine. When he listened, he was stunned. A comedy club was offering him a $150 gig! Just like that, God had made a way where there seemed to be no way.

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With renewed faith, Steve took the comedy job and performed so well that the club invited him back for another show, giving him another $150. With $300 in hand, Steve was able to book a $99 flight to New York. In a miraculous turn of events, he was on his way to the Apollo Show—God had provided not just enough, but more than enough, for Steve to take the next step toward his destiny.

When Steve Harvey finally stepped onto that Apollo stage, he didn’t just perform; he became an overnight sensation. His success that night was the launchpad for his career as a comedian, host, and media mogul. Reflecting on that moment, Steve calls it his “comeback moment”—a pivotal point where he could have either given up or pressed forward. He chose to move in faith, and God rewarded him with doors that opened beyond his wildest dreams.

Steve often shares his story, encouraging others not to give up when faced with challenges. “Everybody has a turnback moment,” he explains. “It’s the moment you can either go forward or give everything up. There’s one guarantee: if you give up, it will never happen. Faith is everything. God is always on time, He’s never too late.”

Harvey’s testimony is a reminder that when we feel backed into a corner, God is working behind the scenes, orchestrating blessings that multiply. Steve’s journey from homelessness to Hollywood fame is proof that faith and perseverance can turn even the darkest situations into the brightest victories.

Just as it says in Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Steve Harvey’s life exemplifies this verse—when all seemed lost, he held onto faith, and God made the impossible possible.

Today, Steve Harvey is living proof that when you trust God, even in your lowest moments, He will provide a way. His incredible story encourages us to keep moving forward, trusting that God’s timing is always perfect. No matter where you are in life, remember that God is never too late—He’s always right on time.

Watch Video of Steve Harvey Confessions:

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