UK Government Introduces Buffer Zones Outside Abortion Clinics, Sparking Debate Over Silent Prayer


The UK government has announced that “buffer zones” will take effect outside abortion clinics across England and Wales starting on 31st October. These zones will make it illegal to intentionally influence individuals seeking abortion services within a 150-metre radius of the clinic. While silent prayer is not explicitly listed as an offence under the new rules, concerns are rising over how the law will be enforced. The Home Office confirmed that violations could lead to unlimited fines for those found guilty.

MSPs back abortion clinic buffer zone bill at first stage - BBC News

Religious freedom advocates are raising alarms, warning that vague definitions within the legislation could still criminalize silent prayer. Lois McLatchie Miller from Alliance Defending Freedom UK highlighted the potential for misuse, stating that the broad interpretation of “influencing” could unfairly target peaceful actions, including consensual conversations or quiet prayer. Despite international and domestic protections for freedom of thought, past cases have shown individuals like charity worker Isobel Vaughan-Spruce and Catholic priest Father Sean Gough being arrested for silent prayer. Calls are growing for clearer legal guidelines to ensure that people of faith are not unjustly targeted under the new law.

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