Vermont Christian School Faces Uphill Legal Battle After Expulsion from State Athletic League


Mid Vermont Christian School Challenges Decision to Protect Religious Values in Sports

In a continuing clash between religious conviction and state policy, Mid Vermont Christian School (MVCS), a small K-12 institution in Quechee, Vermont, has been thrust into the legal spotlight after being expelled from a state-sponsored athletic league. The school was removed from the league following its girls’ basketball team’s decision to forfeit a game against a team that included a transgender female athlete, citing safety and religious concerns.

VT Christian school, families appeal to 2nd Circuit challenging  discriminatory expulsion from state athletics | Alliance Defending Freedom

The controversy began in February 2023 when MVCS qualified for the playoff tournament under the Vermont Principals’ Association (VPA), the governing body for school athletics in the state. However, when the school’s administration realized their opponent’s roster included a biological male identifying as female, they reached out to the VPA, expressing unease about the fairness and safety of the match.

“We believe that boys are boys and girls are girls,” Ryan Tucker, an attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), representing the school, stated in an interview with CBN News. “That’s the message they instill at their institution, and they felt compelled to forfeit to uphold those values.”

Following the forfeiture, MVCS was not only removed from that year’s tournament but was also expelled from the VPA entirely. The VPA cited the school’s violation of policies related to gender inclusion, race, and disability awareness as reasons for the expulsion. The fallout ended MVCS’s nearly 30-year relationship with the association, impacting the school’s ability to participate in any future state athletic events.

Despite several attempts to resolve the issue amicably, MVCS’s appeals were denied, and the school ultimately filed a federal lawsuit. However, U.S. District Court Judge Geoffrey Crawford recently ruled against the school, stating that Vermont’s policies apply equally to all participating institutions.

Undeterred, MVCS has appealed the decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, with Tucker emphasizing the broader implications of the case. “This isn’t just about one school—it’s about the right for religious institutions to uphold their beliefs without facing discrimination or exclusion,” he said.

As the legal battle intensifies, Mid Vermont Christian School finds itself at the center of a national debate about the intersection of religious liberty and evolving policies on gender identity. The outcome of this case could have far-reaching consequences, not only for MVCS but for religious institutions across the country navigating similar challenges.

With tensions rising on both sides, the school’s fate—and the future of its students’ participation in athletics—hangs in the balance.

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