Russell Brand Prays Against ‘Dark and Demonic Forces’ in Powerful Moment with Tucker Carlson


In a dramatic and unexpected turn, actor and comedian Russell Brand dropped to his knees in prayer at an event hosted by political commentator Tucker Carlson. Brand, who recently announced his conversion to Christianity, was being interviewed as part of Carlson’s national tour when the moment unfolded. After discussing Brand’s spiritual transformation, Carlson invited him to close the event in prayer. Brand eagerly accepted, delivering a heartfelt and impassioned plea to the audience.

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Brand’s prayer was both personal and political, calling on the name of Jesus Christ to bring unity and forgiveness to America. In a packed Phoenix, Arizona auditorium, he prayed for grace during the forthcoming election and asked that “dark and demonic forces” influencing the state and corporate world be replaced by divine light. The powerful moment not only showcased Brand’s newfound faith but also highlighted his concerns about deeper forces at play in global politics.

Brand then asked God to “guide all of our tongues and all of our words and all of our hearts, that we feel your forgiveness and that we feel your grace”.

“Thank you, Lord, for the many gifts that you have bestowed upon us,” he added. “Thank you for the glory of consciousness itself, in which we can experience you and live you. Thank you for the beauty of nature, in which we see your wisdom and your creativity and your infinite glory.”

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In closing, he thanked Jesus that He “was born and died, that we may be forgiven and that we may have eternal life, not through merit or anything that we have individually achieved”.

“For surely, all of us are fallen,” he said.  “But in your holy name, we are forgiven by your act of redemption. By your sacrifice in your name, we pray. Amen.”

“Amen,” Carson responded, prompting cheers from the audience.

In September 2023, allegations of sexual assault against Brand were published in the media following a joint investigation by The Times, The Sunday Times and Channel 4’s Dispatches.

In November 2023, Brand was questioned by the Metropolitan Police in connection with alleged sexual assaults.

He has publicly denied the “very serious criminal allegations” and said that while he was “very, very promiscuous” in the past, his sexual encounters were “always consensual”.


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