The Unfailing Grace of God: A Journey of Gratitude from Womb to Life


As we journey through life, it is easy to take for granted the simple, yet profound, truth that God never fails. From the moment we existed as mere cells in our mother’s womb, to the days when we became independent beings in the world, one thing has remained constant: the mercy and grace of God. His hand has always been upon us, guiding, protecting, and shaping us even when we were helpless to fend for ourselves. This truth, often forgotten in the hustle and bustle of daily life, invites both believers and non-believers to pause and reflect on the sheer power of gratitude.

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Take a moment to journey back in time, before the complexities of adulthood weighed upon us, to when we were but a tiny foetus in our mother’s belly. Picture that fragile stage: utterly dependent, incapable of making decisions, unable to provide for ourselves, entirely at the mercy of forces beyond our understanding. It was there, in that hidden place, that God began the work of crafting us. Like a potter shaping clay, He moulded our bodies, knitting us together with precision and care. Who among us can recall making our own heart beat or ensuring our lungs would take their first breath at birth? Yet, these miracles unfolded without any effort of our own.

From the womb, we are reminded of God’s unfailing grace. Each cell that divided, each limb that took shape, every breath that followed—none of these were within our control, and yet, they occurred. If this does not prompt a heart of gratitude, what will? The Scripture tells us in Psalm 139:13, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” This is a truth that transcends belief systems: we are fearfully and wonderfully made, whether we acknowledge it or not.

Pregnant, Womb, Baby

Consider the story of Moses, a tale familiar to many. He was born into a time of danger, his life threatened from the moment he entered the world. To protect him, his mother placed him in a basket and set him adrift on the Nile. Picture the scene: a tiny, helpless baby floating down a mighty river, entirely at the mercy of the waters. It would have been easy to assume that all hope was lost, that his fate was sealed. But God’s hand was upon that basket, guiding it safely to the daughter of Pharaoh. Moses, though born into a situation of peril, found favour and mercy, ultimately rising to become one of the greatest leaders in biblical history. His journey from the river to the Red Sea is a testament to God’s unyielding faithfulness.

Much like Moses, we, too, are adrift in life at times. We face uncertainties, challenges, and circumstances beyond our control. But if we pause and reflect, we will see that, like Moses in the basket, God’s hand has always been there—guiding, protecting, and providing for us even when we are unaware. As the idiom goes, “God works in mysterious ways.” His plans are often beyond our comprehension, yet they unfold perfectly, like the delicate petals of a flower opening in the sunlight.

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When we were born into this world, that first cry was not merely a signal of life, but a declaration of freedom—free at last from the confines of the womb. Yet even then, we were not abandoned to fend for ourselves. God, through the love and devotion of our parents and guardians, nurtured us. From the tender arms that held us to the comforting whispers that calmed our cries, God’s grace shone through the hands and hearts of those around us. He was present in every step we took, from our first crawl to our first word, ensuring that we were never alone.

But life, in its twists and turns, can often cloud our sense of gratitude. The world’s distractions—wealth, fame, power—lure us into believing that we are self-made, that our success is solely the result of our hard work. Yet, at the heart of it, we must ask ourselves: Who gave us the breath to begin that work? Who ensured that our bodies functioned, our minds were sharp, our hearts resilient? As the saying goes, “No man is an island,” and likewise, no man or woman achieves anything purely on their own.

Even those who do not believe in God cannot deny the mysterious forces at work in their lives. They may call it fate, luck, or coincidence, but the truth remains that we are all recipients of mercy beyond what we deserve. Reflect on the moments when you narrowly escaped danger, or when opportunities appeared seemingly out of thin air. These are not just random occurrences; they are echoes of God’s grace, inviting us to recognize the invisible hand guiding us along our paths.

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Gratitude, therefore, is not just a sentiment; it is a profound acknowledgment of the grace that sustains us. It is a way of life that transforms how we see the world. When we recognize that everything we have—our health, our abilities, our very existence—is a gift, we begin to live with open hearts and open hands. Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more than that, it fosters compassion for others, knowing that we have been blessed to be a blessing.

To the believer, this essay is a reminder that God’s faithfulness is unwavering. He has been with us from the very beginning and will never forsake us. To the atheist, I ask: Is it not worth considering the forces that have shaped your life, the moments of grace that have led you to where you are today? Whether we call it divine providence or cosmic serendipity, there is power in acknowledging that our lives are part of a grand tapestry, intricately woven by hands far greater than our own.

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In closing, let us remember that gratitude is not just a reaction to life’s blessings but an active choice to recognize the unfailing mercy of God, even in the midst of hardship. For as long as we draw breath, we have been given a gift. Let us never forget to say, “Thank you.” For in gratitude, we discover the true power of a life well-lived, rooted in the unwavering truth that God never fails.

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