Feel the Divine: Sam The Psalmist’s Uplifting Breakthrough Featuring Eskay Sparks a Wave of Faith


Sam The Psalmist’s latest release, Breakthrough, is more than just a song; it’s a heartfelt declaration of faith, resilience, and spiritual victory. Featuring the talented Eskay, this Christian anthem delivers a message of hope and healing that resonates deeply with those walking through dark seasons of life. Samuel Mubenesha, better known as Sam The Psalmist, shares his personal journey from grief and doubt to renewed strength in God, using Breakthrough as the channel to inspire listeners.

A Song Born from Struggle and Grief

Sam’s personal story is one of resilience and transformation. Born on September 5, 1988, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), his early years were fraught with challenges. His family fled the violent conflict in their homeland, seeking refuge in neighboring countries like Zambia and Botswana before settling in South Africa. These experiences of upheaval and loss shaped the man he would become—an artist whose music speaks to the depths of the human soul.

Breakthrough was birthed in one of the most trying periods of Sam’s life. After losing his father to COVID-19, Sam found himself engulfed in sorrow, unable to pray or feel connected to God. For three long months, his faith wavered, and his ability to seek God through prayer seemed paralyzed by grief. Yet, in the middle of this darkness, a divine spark lit his path. One morning during a devotional time, Sam felt a melody stir within his heart, with the words, “I can see Your hand moving in this place,” echoing in his soul. This moment marked the beginning of his healing and the creation of Breakthrough.

The Power of Divine Inspiration

Sam’s story of healing through Breakthrough is not just personal but prophetic. As a psalmist, his music is more than performance—it’s a spiritual tool to communicate God’s heart to those who are hurting. With Breakthrough, Sam conveys the message that no matter how deep the pain or how overwhelming the doubt, God’s hand is always moving, guiding us to victory.

The lyrics and melodies that came to Sam during his moments of devotional reflection weren’t just answers to his own prayers but became a lifeline for others struggling with their faith. The song captures the process of moving from despair to hope, from questioning God’s presence to seeing Him work even in the darkest moments.

A Life of Duality: Science Meets Faith

Though Sam holds a Master’s degree in chemical engineering, his true passion lies in worship music. His intellectual pursuits complement his spiritual calling, and despite his achievements in the engineering field, he views his role as a psalmist as the core of his purpose. Music, for Sam, is not just a form of artistic expression but a prophetic ministry that offers healing, restoration, and a message of hope.

Sam’s reluctance to step into the spotlight melted away during the COVID-19 lockdown. Realizing that the world needed his songs of encouragement, he decided to launch his music career despite being naturally shy and reserved. It was a leap of faith that allowed him to reach a wider audience, and now, through songs like Breakthrough, Sam is impacting lives with his message of spiritual renewal.

Eskay’s Impact

Partnering with Eskay on Breakthrough has brought an additional layer of depth and emotion to the song. Eskay’s contribution complements Sam’s spiritual message, making the track a powerful collaboration that highlights both artists’ gifts.

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Breakthrough—A Song for the Soul

Breakthrough is more than just a musical release; it’s a reminder that in our darkest moments, God’s light is never far away. With faith, even the hardest struggles can lead to breakthroughs. Sam The Psalmist’s journey from grief to hope is a testament to the power of trusting God through the storm, and Breakthrough stands as a beacon for all who are waiting for their own moment of victory.

As Sam shares his heart through music, he reminds listeners that even when faith feels distant, God’s presence is always near—breaking through our pain with love, compassion, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

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