CARTUNES’ Latest Single “My Legacy” Redefines Christian Pop Music


CARTUNES, the innovative pop act known for their catchy melodies and heartfelt lyrics, has released their latest single, “My Legacy (ft Jermaine Bollinger)”, to Christian radio stations, marking a significant milestone in their evolution from a cover band to purveyors of original music. This soulful and reflective song, featured on the album “Lovely”, showcases the band’s signature sound, blending pop influences with profound spiritual messages, and is poised to resonate deeply with Christian Adult Contemporary (AC) listeners.

JFH News: CARTUNES Releases "My Legacy (ft. Jermaine Bollinger)" to  Christian Radio

With lyrics that speak to living a life of purpose and leaving a lasting legacy, “My Legacy” captures the heart of listeners, encouraging them to reflect on their own journeys and the impact they wish to leave behind. Jermaine Bollinger’s emotive vocal performance, combined with the song’s smooth, melodic composition, makes for a compelling narrative that not only entertains but also inspires. As CARTUNES continues to gain momentum with their original material, “My Legacy” represents the band’s commitment to delivering music that makes a lasting impact, solidifying their growing presence in the Christian music scene.

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