New Study Finds Singing ‘Amazing Grace’ Can Reverse Heart Disease


In a groundbreaking revelation, researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin have discovered that singing the hymn ‘Amazing Grace’ for just ten minutes a day could significantly reverse the effects of heart disease. The study focused on how singing various songs impacted the blood vessels of older individuals with cardiovascular issues, revealing that this beloved hymn, penned by John Newton in 1772, led to the most remarkable improvements in endothelial function—a crucial measure of heart vessel health. Unlike other classic tunes like the Beatles’ ‘Hey Jude’ or Dolly Parton’s ‘Jolene,’ which also brought about positive but lesser changes, ‘Amazing Grace’ stood out as a powerful therapeutic tool for enhancing heart health.

Amazing Grace - Recorder Support

The study involved 65 participants, mostly in their 60s, who either had existing heart conditions or had previously suffered heart attacks. Guided by a singing coach, these volunteers performed four songs while researchers closely monitored changes in blood flow. The results were striking: 22 percent of participants showed improved blood flow while singing ‘Amazing Grace,’ compared to only ten percent with the US folk classic ‘This Land Is Your Land.’ Published in medRxiv, the research highlights the potential of singing as an accessible, safe, and effective therapeutic intervention, particularly for older adults who may struggle with traditional forms of exercise due to physical limitations. As the study suggests, the sustained benefits of singing for heart health could pave the way for innovative, non-invasive treatments that harmonize with the rhythms of daily life.

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