Gloucester Cathedral Confronts its Historical Ties to Slavery


In a groundbreaking initiative, Gloucester Cathedral is shedding light on its centuries-old connections to the transatlantic slave trade. By installing QR codes on monuments throughout the cathedral, visitors will be able to uncover the hidden stories of how certain individuals and families accumulated wealth through their involvement in slavery. This bold move is part of the Church of England’s broader effort to acknowledge and address its financial ties to slavery, which includes a £1 billion target towards making reparations.

Slavery links of cathedral's memorials to be explained in QR codes

The project, set to launch next month, aims to create “safe spaces for all” by confronting the Church’s past injustices head-on. As Guy Hewitt, the Church of England’s Racial Justice Director, noted, the transatlantic slave trade was “devised politically, constructed legally, justified theologically, and accepted socially.” By bringing these dark chapters to light, the Church is taking a significant step towards reconciliation and healing. The QR codes and leaflets will provide a poignant reminder of the Cathedral’s complex history, highlighting both the perpetrators and the abolitionists who fought against slavery.

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