UK on Brink of Civil War: Calvin Robinson Warns of Elite Disconnect and Rising Tensions


British Catholic cleric Calvin Robinson has sounded the alarm on the simmering tensions in the United Kingdom, warning that the country is on the cusp of civil war. In a recent interview with The Christian Post, Robinson highlighted the growing disconnect between the elite and average citizens, citing similar problems in the US. The UK has witnessed violent protests and riots in recent weeks, sparked by the fatal stabbing of three young British girls by a second-generation immigrant, Axel Muganwa Rudakubana.

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“This is the establishment, or as you guys tend to call it, ‘the blob,'” Robinson said regarding those who might have an interest in protecting some groups involved in the riots while demonizing others. “So over here, our mainstream media, our politicians, our church hierarchy — pretty much anyone that’s part of that metropolitan liberal elite bubble — goes along with the same narrative,” he said. “They have different agendas, different motivations, but I don’t know how to break it down to them because there’s a massive disconnect here.”

The attacks, which occurred in Southport, England, have ignited debates on immigration and assimilation in British culture. False news circulating about Rudakubana’s background has only added fuel to the fire, with anti-immigration protesters clashing with Muslim militia in England and Northern Ireland. Robinson’s warning comes as concerns mount over the government’s ability to address the root causes of these tensions, which threaten to plunge the country into chaos.

Could Civil War Erupt in the UK?

As the situation continues to unfold, Robinson’s words serve as a stark reminder of the dangers of ignoring the concerns of average citizens. With the UK’s social fabric fraying at the seams, it remains to be seen whether the government can find a way to address the simmering tensions before it’s too late. One thing is certain, however – the status quo is unsustainable, and something needs to change before the UK descends into civil war.

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