A Powerful Tale of Resistance: ‘Stealing’ Shines a Light on the Dark Legacy of Christian Boarding Schools


In her remarkable novel “Stealing”, Margaret Verble masterfully weaves a harrowing tale of survival, resistance, and the unbreakable bonds of community. Through the eyes of Kit, a young Cherokee girl torn from her family and forced into a Christian boarding school, Verble exposes the brutal realities of a system designed to erase Indigenous culture and identity. With unflinching honesty, Verble reveals the ways in which violence, abuse, and dehumanization thrive when the humanity of others is ignored.

Book Review – Stealing by Margaret Verble – The Resting Willow

Yet, even in the darkest moments, Kit’s story is one of hope and resilience. Through her writing, she finds solace and a means of asserting her family values in a society that seeks to suppress them. Her letters become a testament to the power of narrative in anti-colonial and liberation struggles, and a reminder that even in the most hostile environments, community and resistance can flourish. Verble’s critique of Christian boarding schools and the legacy of oppressive education is both incisive and necessary, highlighting the ways in which dominant theologies can be wielded as tools of domination.

Through Kit’s journey, Verble shows us that even in the face of overwhelming oppression, the human spirit can persevere. With its themes of resistance, community, and the unbreakable bonds of family and culture, “Stealing” is a powerful testament to the enduring strength of Indigenous peoples. This is a story that will leave you changed, and one that will linger long after the final page is turned.

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