“Final Say”: Prophetess Light’s Triumph Over Fear and Faithlessness


Lagos-based Singing Prophetess, International Award winner, and wife of Pastor Fortune Makarios, Prophetess Light, has once again proven the power of unwavering faith with her latest single, “Final Say.” Inspired by a deeply personal and challenging experience, the song is a bold declaration of God’s ultimate authority in the face of doubt and fear. The narrative behind “Final Say” began when a village witch doctor ominously declared to Prophetess Light’s father that she would never marry, a prophecy that left her father consumed with worry. As the only daughter, Prophetess Light felt the weight of this pronouncement, but in her moment of uncertainty, the Holy Spirit posed a simple yet profound question: “Who has the final say—the witch doctor or God?” This question became her anchor, reminding her that no human decree could override God’s plans.

In 2023, God spoke to her again, instructing her to sow a seed in her church and during the Hallelujah Challenge, a call she obediently followed. A few months later, in a miraculous turn of events, her now-husband proposed, fulfilling the promise that had once seemed so distant. “Final Say” encapsulates this journey of faith, from fear to triumph, serving as a powerful reminder that God’s word always prevails. With this single, Prophetess Light not only shares her testimony but also offers hope and encouragement to others facing their own battles, declaring with confidence that, in every situation, it is God who has the final say.

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