Stained Red Unleashes ‘Wolves’ – A Fierce Warning Against False Prophets


Stained Red is making a bold statement with their latest single, “Wolves”, a high-energy rocker that warns against false prophets and wolves in sheep’s clothing. Drawing inspiration from Mark 7:15, the song’s meaty guitars and powerful vocals, courtesy of Kip “IronMan” Brockway, deliver a timely message of caution and awareness. With their mission to spread the word of God and bring in the harvest, Stained Red is positioning themselves as a force to be reckoned with in the Christian music scene.

Produced in collaboration with Alex Gerst of Empire Sound in Dallas, Texas, “Wolves” marks the band’s debut on Resurrection Records’ roster, paving the way for a full-length album to come. With upcoming performances at Rockfest 777 in San Marcos, Texas, and Resurrectionfest 2024, Stained Red is ready to take their message to the stage and inspire a new generation of believers. As bassist David Miller says, “Our call is to bring in the harvest!” – and with “Wolves”, they’re off to a roaring start.

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