From Adversity to Triumph: Brandon Sanders’ Journey to ‘The Tables Will Turn’


Brandon Sanders, a sought-after jazz drummer, is set to release his sophomore album “The Tables Will Turn” on October 4, 2024, via Savant Records. This highly anticipated album is a testament to Sanders’ perseverance and dedication to his craft, featuring a stellar quintet and a thoughtful blend of jazz classics and original compositions. But Sanders’ journey to this moment was far from straightforward. Growing up in Compton, California, he faced numerous challenges, including being told he was too old to start a music career at 19. Yet, he persisted, driven by his passion for drumming and his determination to succeed.

Brandon Sanders Music

Through his music, Sanders shares his story of overcoming adversity, with tracks like “Central and El Segundo” reflecting on his past experiences and the title track “The Tables Will Turn” offering a message of hope and triumph. The album’s gospel-inflected soul jazz sound is a perfect culmination of Sanders’ journey, showcasing his ability to stay in the pocket and drive the groove. With “The Tables Will Turn”, Sanders proves that with hard work and perseverance, success is within reach, no matter where you come from or what challenges you face.

Bandleader Willie Jones III, who first met the drummer about a decade back, has produced both of Sanders’ recordings for Savant Records and watched the Compton native’s compositional acumen grow.

“What Brandon is doing, it’s really incredible. I mean, his level of hustle is off the chain,” Jones said. “He has a passion for the music — for something that, to most people, is a hobby. But he feels so deeply about this and is so passionate about it. He’s out here all the time, checking out music, checking out records. And all the while, he’s raising three boys. He has to wake up in the morning, take his kids to school and go to work. Then he’s also booking gigs himself? That, to me, that’s next level.”

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