Beyond the Veil: Renowned Radiation Oncologist Confirms Life After Death Through Near-Death Experience Research


Dr. Jeffrey Long, a Kentucky radiation oncologist, has spent 25 years studying near-death experiences (NDEs) and has concluded that there is indeed life after death. Long’s research, which has examined thousands of NDE accounts, reveals a consistent pattern of events, including out-of-body experiences, transportation to another realm, and encounters with deceased loved ones. Despite initial skepticism, Long’s findings have led him to believe that NDEs are a real phenomenon that cannot be explained by science.

Insight Video: Life After Death

Long’s research has been corroborated by other experts, including University of Virginia Psychiatry Professor Jim Tucker, who argues that it is physically impossible for a dying person to have fantasies or hallucinations. Tucker explains that a near-death event compromises brain function, making it difficult for a person to hallucinate. Additionally, atheist-turned-Christian-apologist Lee Strobel points to the sheer volume of scholarly articles on NDEs, including studies on blind individuals who report seeing during their NDEs, as evidence of the phenomenon’s validity.

Evidence of the Afterlife: Groundbreaking New Findings from the Largest  Study of Near-Death Experiences Ever Reported with Dr. Jeffrey Long —  Asheville Wisdom Exchange

The accounts of NDEs are nothing short of remarkable, with individuals describing feelings of overwhelming love and peace, and encounters with deceased loved ones who appear young and vibrant. Charlotte Holmes, who was clinically dead for 11 minutes, described watching nursing staff revive her before being escorted to the “Pearly gates,” where she was greeted by family and friends who had passed away. Long’s research confirms that these experiences are not mere hallucinations, but rather a glimpse into an afterlife that awaits us all.

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