Moses Bliss Hits High Note with Prestigious Award at UK Parliament’s House of Lords


Renowned gospel singer Moses Bliss has reached new heights in his career, receiving an award for Excellence in Contemporary Music at the prestigious House of Lords, UK Parliament. The talented musician shared the exciting news with his fans on Instagram, expressing his gratitude and joy at the honor. Bliss was recognized for his outstanding contributions to contemporary music, a testament to his dedication and passion for spreading the gospel through his songs.

Gospel Artist Moses Bliss Honored with Excellence in Contemporary Music  Award at UK Parliament »

This prestigious award is a significant milestone in Bliss’s career, solidifying his position as a leading figure in the gospel music industry. The Africa Achievers Board, which presented the award, acknowledged Bliss’s exceptional talent and commitment to his craft. With this recognition, Bliss continues to inspire and uplift his fans, taking the gospel to new heights and cementing his legacy as a trailblazer in contemporary Christian music.


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