[Music] Quineta Michael – Throne Of God



Quineta Michael, an inspiring and talented gospel music minister and songwriter, invites listeners to experience a profound encounter with the Divine through her latest single, “Throne of God.” This captivating track serves as a worshipper’s cry, beckoning believers to approach God’s presence with reverence and awe.

“Throne of God” embodies the essence of true worship, echoing Christ’s call for His Bride to worship God in Spirit and truth. Quineta Michael emphasizes the importance of knowing God intimately, as only then can one truly worship Him.

“As a citizen of Zion, you can come boldly before God’s presence, before the throne of His majesty, to behold Him,” shares Quineta. The single serves as a reminder that the throne of God is not merely an abstract concept but a sacred space where believers encounter the Divine presence of the King of Kings.

Drawing inspiration from the book of Revelation, Quineta highlights the transformative power of encountering God’s presence. “In His presence, there is empowerment to rule and reign on the earth, advancing His Kingdom in our homes, communities, cities, and nations,” she affirms.

“Throne of God” conveys a profound truth: that abiding in Christ is made possible only by the Spirit of God. Through its stirring melody and heartfelt lyrics, the single inspires listeners to seek a deeper connection with God and to experience His splendor.

The song “Throne of God” is now available on all major digital music platforms worldwide.


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