Natasha Owens Releases New Music Videos “Party People”


Natasha Owen

With a string of viral hits already under her belt, patriotic powerhouse Natasha Owens is calling out Republican RINOs with new music videos for her most recent single, “Party People,” produced by GRAMMY-nominated and multiple Dove Award winner, Ian Eskelin for Radiate Music.

“I am sick and tired of the ALL TALK and NO ACTION GOP Rinos (Republican in name only),” says Owens. “They have the ability to defund this radical agenda, but they choose to partner with the democrats. I have come to the conclusion that they are either being bought or blackmailed. I wanted to show the world how sick we are of the lip service. You are either working for or against the American people. These politicians in Washington and in Texas where I am are not working for us. If they can’t put America First, then they don’t deserve to lead.”

Adds Owens: “There were too many rhinos to call out in a 3-minute song, so we decided to not only do a U.S. version but also a Texas Version. This past summer, the Republican-led Texas House, led by Dade Phelan, impeached Attorney General Ken Paxton without due process or placing the witnesses under oath. Many months later, the Republican-led Texas Senate acquitted AG Paxton of all the charges. Texas is my home, and I specifically wanted to show the faces of the Republican Rhinos in both the Texas House and Senate that went along with the bogus charges.”

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