The Church Must Pray To Continue Growing – Pastor David Oyedepo


bishop oyedepo

When Jesus said ‘prayer is the master key’, he was speaking about the church. Pastor David Oyedepo has hinted at reasons the church must continue to pray.

Ministering during the ‘Fasting and Prayer’ service, Oyedepo informed that the church must pray to continue growing.

According to him prayer causes and sustains the growth of the church. This is because whenever a church stops growing it’s because the members stopped praying.

He added that prayer is needed before establishing and after establishing a church. He thus enjoined every member of the church to stand in the gap for ministers before every service.

“Every growing Church must remain a praying Church to keep growing. No break. Prayer engenders growth and prayer sustains growth and prayer keeps growing growth. Whenever a Church stops praying, it stops growing.

It’s prayer before, prayer in the process, prayer to generate the product, and prayer to sustain the product. Imagine if every Church member would stand in the place of prayer for every service before they come”, David Oyedepo said.

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