Nathaniel Bassey Announces First Hallelujah Challenge for the Year, Begins Feb. 5th, 2024

Continuing the tradition of a spiritual virtual engagement that has witnessed numerous testimonies, acclaimed worship leader and prolific Nigerian singer-songwriter Nathaniel Bassey has revealed that the transformative “Hallelujah Challenge” is set to commence on the 5th of February 2024.
Announcing on social media, Nathaniel expressed, “Let’s go! Spread this far and wide! HIS MERCIES ENDURES FOREVER.”
— Hallelujah Challenge is an hour-long online praise program unto the Lord. The praise sessions are held daily during designated periods every year, as led by the convener, Nathaniel Bassey. Commencing at 11:59 PM, it features sessions of passionate praise and prayer.
The Challenge first took place in 2017 from June 1 to June 30, following the #tongueschallenge that was held prior. It all started with an Instagram Live video by Nathaniel Bassey, streaming praise and worship from his living room. That initial praise session went on to attract tens of thousands around the world, joining online to praise God together.