Celebrate 13 Amazing Years Of God’s Grace With Christ Apostolic Church Light Citadel


pastor E.O Adejobi

Christ Apostolic Church Light Citadel Unity District will be celebrating her 13th anniversary themed “But They That Wait On The Lord” on the 19th of August, 2023.

The theme is taken from Isaiah 40:31, which reads: “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

It is a reminder for all men to trust in God’s timing and rely on His strength. The chosen theme not only resonates with the teachings of the Bible but also serves as a reminder of the importance of patience, trust, and reliance on God in navigating life’s journey.

The anniversary celebration is going to be a time of spiritual rejuvenation, featuring prophetic ministration by Pastor E.O. Odejobi, the General Superintendent of CAC, Nigeria and Overseas, the host and District Superintendent of CAC Light Citadel, Pastor Kayode Adeyemo, and other anointed ministers of God.

To commemorate this special occasion the church will also be offering a variety of activities that will run from Wednesday, August 16th, until Sunday, August 20th, 2023.

It includes a special time of prayer and revival and an evening of worship and thanksgiving, fostering an atmosphere brimming with God’s presence and an unforgettable experience.

Join us to celebrate. Invite your friends and family as we reach this significant milestone, cherishing the journey and blessings experienced thus far.

Wednesday & Thursday | Revival 6pm – 8pm
Friday | Evening of Worship & Thanksgiving 5pm – 8pm
Saturday | Anniversary Celebration 10am – 2pm
Sunday | Anniversary Thanksgiving 7:30am – 10:30am

Pastor E.O Odejobi | General Superintendent, CAC Nigeria & Overseas
Pastor I.O Onibaba | DCC Supt. CAC, Mount of Transfiguration
Pastor Kayode Adeyemo | District Supt. CAC, Light Citadel Unity District
Prophet E.K Ajiboye | CAC, Covenant Mountain Of Prayer & Praise
Pastor Adeniyi Isijola | District Supt. CAC, Power House of God

34, James Oyedele street, Moshalashi/ Abucon Bus Stop Alagbado, Lagos.

Christ Apostolic Church, Light Citadel Unity District is where God shapes lives and molds destinies through the preaching of the Holy Spirit with the mandate of bringing generations of people that are in obscure darkness into God’s Eternal Light.

The ministry believes in building a strong spiritual and homely atmosphere where every member and worshipper will experience the power of the Holy Spirit and also discover their divine purpose on earth, achieving it to the fullest and making it to God’s Kingdom.

You are Shinning Light, a Success, and a Champion!

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